Wednesday, January 11, 2017

when i got someone tone wrong is when i was at school.i had a youth basketball game and we did terrible and we barely scored on the score board.that was the worst game of my life.Then we all had to shake hands at the end .the next day at school somebody told me sorry for the bad game.i was like excuse me?then she was like sorry for the bad again the i got mad and just walked away.I thought she was talking about i had i bad game.So i seen the girl later on in the school day.She said excuse me did i say something wrong.i said umm im pretty sure you did.Then she said awe i know i mant to say sorry for the bad game as a whole team not you.I was like that makes so much sense now.then she said you had a great game the team did terrible .

1 comment:

  1. Nice writing, Dominick! Remember a title next time.
