Friday, January 20, 2017

Hip Hop

Image result for 4 your eyez only j coleAgree and disagree with Hip Hop being bad for younger people. I agree because it is bad like rappers love rapping about killing, selling/making drugs, strippers/women, money, gangs and jewelry. It's all rappers talk about and there's younger people listening, I've noticed how much music like that changes people. They start listening to it and think they are gang banging, thinking they thugs and gangsters. The music videos a specially affect younger people, they see the rappers smoking and they want to smoke too or do whatever they are doing. It's funny to me, people think those rappers are the real thing, they believe everything they say even though It's all fake, they claim to be everything they say they are but to me their all just false prophets. But then I disagree with them because there's a small group of rappers that do the opposite, like my favorite rapper J.Cole. J.Cole actually exposes all the fake rappers in "False Prophets". J.Cole likes to rap about personal and world problems. I love it when he makes rappers sound like fools, my favorite line is "How the fuck do I look when I brag to you bout some diamond?" (J.Cole,Jermaine's Interlude). In that song he is rapping about police brutality on African American. And then Cole has songs that send positive messages like "Love Yourz" where he says you should be thankful for everything you have instead of complaing of unnecessary things you want. I always listen to him when I am mad or sad and it makes me feel better, more positive.  

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