Wednesday, January 25, 2017

My year so far

So far my year has been good. I already accomplished some of my goals. I accomplished one of them yesterday, I wanted to squat 215 and I did it but I feel like that isn't my max so I'm going to try more weight on Thursday. Another one of my goals was to bench my weight and do 10 reps but ended up doing 11 reps, so I'm really proud of myself. My next goal is going to get faster again, my freshman year I finished my mile in 6 mins and 30 secs, this year I finished in 5 mins and 28 secs so now I' trying to beat that time. Then I cant wait till the season gets here because I got a couple goals I have to accomplish still from last season. For the mean time I'm gonna get ready. We still have to beat Springfield and Peoria Notre Dame and win Notre Dames tournament. I'm still mad over the results of the tournament because we could've made it to the final if it wasn't for someone. But I'm not gonna blame him soccer is a team sport so if one of us loses we all lose and if one of us wins we all do.

1 comment:

  1. Erik, congrats on your mile time and all of your accomplishments so far. Please remember to put in a picture for future blogs! 9/10
