Thursday, January 19, 2017

Proof of love

vinie Mato
Proof of love

I want to show you how much I love you.
You are so important to me
To tell you otherwise than by words what I feel
To make you understand that basically nothing is more important than you
My love, in your eyes I saw the true shards of the sky
In your back I saw large wings
Your soul revived mine
You are what was missing in my heart to beat
I would like to write every night
To put my love in words
But eternity is not long enough
And the words would miss me to say everything
If only I could give you so much happiness
That you have been able to offer me since the beginning of time
I will give you all the time
But for now all that I have to offer you
It's a little warmth and a place in my heart!
 Image result for Preuve D'Amour

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