Wednesday, January 25, 2017

I have a favorite movie called "Love and Basketball". I love this movie, it's about a little boy named Quincy and a girl named Monica The girl just moved into his neighborhood. They live right next to each other, and their bedroom windows are right next to each other also. They met when they played basketball together and he pushed her and gave her a scar on her chin. After that they liked each other and became best friends. When they got older they were in high school playing basketball. Then went to prom and after the prom they began dating. They both got accepted to the same college and continued to play the sport they love together. Then they broke up because he was cheating on her because, he found out his dad lied to him and cheated on his mom. So they broke up and she went to spain and played in games, then she came back because he got injured and tore his acl. She went to the hospital to see him and he told her he was engaged, then his fiance walked in so monica left. Monica talked to her mom and her mom said she needed to get Quincy back. So she woke up Quincy in the middle of the night and she said, "Play me 1 on 1 for your heart, if I win it's because deep down you want me to stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life, and if I lose i'll buy you a wedding present". Then they played 1 on 1 and she lost bt he still wanted her back so they kissed and got back together and Monica and Quincy got married and had a kid. Monica continued to play in the nba for women, and Quincy retired.

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1 comment:

  1. Lexi, I've heard great things about this movie! All you need is a title 9/10
