Wednesday, January 11, 2017

when her or he's tired about you broken rule and shows the wrong tone

U:can you help me with this promble  
F:not i'm busy right now.
U:are you gonna be free today.
F: not i have to go get something in my job.
U:can you just tell me what to do right for not doing it agains
F:nope i don't know what to tell you.
so i had i friend like this when i was doing something that was not good 
like in school when you doing something bad but you know what is the school 
rule but you just keep freaking that rule so sometimes even the teacher won't care about you 
gonna to do. and with my friend
 it happen like that too, i was doing something that was not in the rule
like example: don't skip school
    so what you want  me to do?
    I don't know it's not my life.
 Image result for tone

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