Wednesday, January 25, 2017

My school year so far...

My school year has been pretty uneventful, besides getting sick or hurt a lot. It really hasn't been my year, I've gotten  concussion, sinobronchitis (which is a combination of a sinus infection and bronchitis, not fun), pneumonia, and some other stuff that has made my year great. I have had some good things happen though. I got a new computer for christmas. I had a relationship for almost a month, but then she moved without telling me, so yeah... that's not much of a good thing though now that I think about it. I guess that's bad too. School has been pretty boring, so i'm hoping that something happens to make it more exciting. Chem/Phys has been really fun though. We got to light our hands on fire two weeks ago. I have some faith that 2017 will be better than last year though.
Image result for straight face

1 comment:

  1. Christopher, I'm sure 2017 will be a much better year for you. 10/10
