Wednesday, January 11, 2017

My Little Story Using Tone

He approached the castle, knowing that the journey that lingered for so long had come to an end. All the fights he had gone through, all the times he times he nearly had to risk his own life to save others had finally come to an end.... or so he thought. The journey was long from over, as he observed the dark and degrading castle. He could tell that there was one more battle to be fought, and this battle would not be easy. Knowing this he started get a heavy feeling on his back. He started to shake like if the floor was rumbling below his very feet. What was this thing he was feeling right now? He had never felt it before, but all he knew was that he had a hard time moving. And then he realized that the feeling.... was fear. He was terrified that the journey he had spent so much time from the beginning to now would be for nothing. Would he be able to save his sister from the very essence of darkness? Was he truly ready for the final battle?

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