Wednesday, January 11, 2017

I was in my room and my mom came in. She seemed really angry. She sat down to help me with my home work and she was really quiet and she was shaking. I thought she was shaking because of how angry she was. It turns out that she was really upset in a sad way. She had to tell me that my cousin passes away. I thought she had bad news as of like we had to move or something. she had a different way of showing her emotions which caused me to assume she was angry. I had of tone of no feeling my mom told me I came off as I don't care. I cared a lot. I was just so stuck that I didn't know how to feel .We talk and got a good understanding of each other and how we felt.

1 comment:

  1. Nice usage of tone! I like how you talk about how people use different tones to express the same type of emotion. You just needed a title and a picture!
