Wednesday, January 11, 2017

                         Image result for dumb                                       DDD
                                Dumb Dude Darl      

                    Once upon a time there a guy who was sitting on top of a car. i asked the man what was doing he said he was cooking eggs. i said "were at" the man said "on top of the car" i looked on top of the car he had twislers wrapped in chitterlings . everyone called that dude the dumbest in the world . so i decided to invite him over for nachos to see if it was true . the man followed me home riding his bike . I got the nacho's prepared i asked the man to pass me the sour cream he passed me the mayonnaise and poured it on my plate . I looked at him and the he looked at me with his crooked eyes . he said in a high pitch voice "what". i sighed and i said "dumb dude darl".

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