Wednesday, January 4, 2017

And I thought I had it bad.....

After watching some of the documentary, I thought I had worser than they did because at first when I watched the documentary and then I heard them say that they had to sleep through gunshots and screaming I had to rethink my life because they have to go through all of that. My life is different this is how I live: In my old neighborhood violence and a lot of houses got robbed. One time there was this man who lived down the street from us he cut and stabbed his wife and then he set the house on fire. Then he grabbed his baby and put it in the car garage and he rolled up all of the windows and started the car up and he also closed the garage and then left and went outside. When he got outside he started screaming and crying but when the police got there he got in his car (not the one that was in the garage he had a different car outside already) and left and crashed into a pole somewhere on neil street I think. Another thing was that a lot of houses got robbed and our house was one of them and we knew it was too it was one of my older friends that was doing it. One major thing that got stolen from our house was my scooter and that was my life and that was one of the major things that I loved and adored so dearly because my grandpa bought that for me. When we found out that they stole that from our house I got really sick to my stomach because when they took that it was like they just stole my best friend from me (which they did).

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