Wednesday, January 25, 2017


kyle carter

Image result for weegeeOnly kyle knows when its weegee. In this game im playing on my phone i can play super mario world except i can play as luigi (Hints why its weegee time). Luigi in this game can do what he does in other great games like for example he can flutter jump, which is when luigi jumps and glides by swinging his legs rapidly. He also can glide while doing the spin jumps. This game also has different colored yoshi (The old game has this) i just unlocked a red yoshi. You still have a chance of getting a regular yoshi. But its always fun to be mama luigi for once. you can also be mario too. Its always fun to be original for once but luigi is boss. I also have never died (In the records....huehuehuehue) because im the best a mario).One of my favorite things to do is to act like a speedrunner and go through a level as quick as i can.

1 comment:

  1. Kyle, great review of your game. Glad to see all that time playing it in class has made you become an expert. 10/10
