Wednesday, January 11, 2017

school really just doesn't put me in a good mood. I get so much to work on sometimes my teachers get frustrated with me because im not understanding something. It just stresses me out way to much. I just can't get rid of my headaches they just keep coming no matter how much water i drink so i know that im not dehydrated. Something else that is really hard for me to do sometimes is stay up because before school even starts, i have like 5 am practice that last till 7 or 7:15 so i feel hung over every morning and im just trying my hardest to stay awake so i wont get in trouble later on during school i practice with the swim team twice a day. Idk if that is what makes me tired but it's a strong possibility that could be the reason. i haven't got that much homework or classwork to do so im thankful for that so that i don't have to stay up super late and work till midnight on it to get it finished the next day.

1 comment:

  1. Nathan, excellent writing! Just needs a title and a picture.
