Wednesday, January 11, 2017


One day I was in the mall with my best friend and we had a blast. We went to the stores and to do your nails and to eat. We went to do are nails first and we told twenty minutes then we went shopping. We bought many things for us and for are friends. It was three weeks before christmas and we need to get are shopping going. I decided to buy a yellow shirt for her and she started to look at me wired and she was rolling her eyes at me. I thought she was made at me or that she didn´t liked the shirt. I was feeling kind of cheerless and furious at the same time. We went to another store and she stared to scream at me like I had done something wrong and I got very frustrated so then I left to the food court and waited for her to come so we could leave. She was confused when I told her if we was done being a brat. I told her what she been doing and how she screamed at me in the store in front of all those people. She told why she roll her eyes at me it was for me it was for someone behind me and she didn´t meant to scream at me, she was losing her voice because she was getting sick. I felt so glad that she didn´t meant all those thing to hurt me it was just that I understood wrong. 

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1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent story about tone! Great work.
