Wednesday, January 25, 2017

King Kong by destorm


Image result for king kong

i'm King Kong, beat my fisting chest
I don't feel the pressure, show the world the best
I endure the pain, let the gorillas out
Ignore the chains, now all my n**** out Thou hath forsaken me

Finally back making heat, cooking like a bakery
Now there ain't no breaking me down
Where my ancestors, wish that they can see me now
I'm the best no question, ain't no testing me.
I found my place
And it's me on top of the world
I'm King Kong, drop the gate
I hear the chariots coming today
I am King Kong (King Kong)
King Kong (King Kong)
I'm King Kong (King Kong)
I'm King Kong
(Now who the best?) King Kong
(Beat your chest) King Kong
(You the best) King Kong
(Beat your chest) I am King Kong

DesTorm uses             Hyperbole: 

frightened, scared, terrified, fearful
Also uses                       Metaphor   : He compared himself to a gorilas so people around can be afraid of him.

The Flash is my favorite TV show because its has a lot of action,its funny and has a lot of plot twistBarry Allen is his name and his life changed completely when his mother died in a freak accident and his innocent father was convicted of her murder. a one normal accelerator heralded as a world changing invention causes an explosion, it creates a freak storm and Barry is struck by lightning. He awakes from a coma nine months later with the power of superspeed. When he learns that others who have gained powers use them for evil. he dedicates himself to protecting the innocent, while still trying to solve the older mystery.

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I have a favorite movie called "Love and Basketball". I love this movie, it's about a little boy named Quincy and a girl named Monica The girl just moved into his neighborhood. They live right next to each other, and their bedroom windows are right next to each other also. They met when they played basketball together and he pushed her and gave her a scar on her chin. After that they liked each other and became best friends. When they got older they were in high school playing basketball. Then went to prom and after the prom they began dating. They both got accepted to the same college and continued to play the sport they love together. Then they broke up because he was cheating on her because, he found out his dad lied to him and cheated on his mom. So they broke up and she went to spain and played in games, then she came back because he got injured and tore his acl. She went to the hospital to see him and he told her he was engaged, then his fiance walked in so monica left. Monica talked to her mom and her mom said she needed to get Quincy back. So she woke up Quincy in the middle of the night and she said, "Play me 1 on 1 for your heart, if I win it's because deep down you want me to stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life, and if I lose i'll buy you a wedding present". Then they played 1 on 1 and she lost bt he still wanted her back so they kissed and got back together and Monica and Quincy got married and had a kid. Monica continued to play in the nba for women, and Quincy retired.

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My school year so far...

My school year has been pretty uneventful, besides getting sick or hurt a lot. It really hasn't been my year, I've gotten  concussion, sinobronchitis (which is a combination of a sinus infection and bronchitis, not fun), pneumonia, and some other stuff that has made my year great. I have had some good things happen though. I got a new computer for christmas. I had a relationship for almost a month, but then she moved without telling me, so yeah... that's not much of a good thing though now that I think about it. I guess that's bad too. School has been pretty boring, so i'm hoping that something happens to make it more exciting. Chem/Phys has been really fun though. We got to light our hands on fire two weeks ago. I have some faith that 2017 will be better than last year though.
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Review! Review! :)

So in the day of yesterday I started read a book named Divergent, few months ago I saw/listen people that like this book, I never been interested in those books, but yesterday I give a chance so... I started reading. It seems a good book, well I don't have too much time reading this but it had a nice prologue, you know. It's kinda confusing at first but I'm curious and I want to know haha. There's a picture of the book :)


Well I wanna talk about a song too, because I hear too much songs but this one I don't know put me on the nostalgic mood. It called Stole the show of Kygo. It's from a DJ who is Norwegian, the song means about a couple who broke up in a short time but both had a good time/show, puts me nostalgic because one of my ex-boyfriends dedicate to me, haha oops. So.. I've been hearing in a few weeks. 
Image result for kygo
Is handsome, don't ya? :)

Sorry If I wrote too much, I think it was a little so I talk about two things.

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In class what i learned about was the Holocaust  and how cruel they treated the kids.1.5 million kids were killed during the Holocaust . racism"s a big factor in the Holocaust , if their was no racism wouldn't be any Holocaust . their were full grown men killing little kids that were so innocent. I felt so angry watching all those dead bodies all over racism.Hitler the nazi leader was so full of hate he  really gave up so many lives.He made camps for the jews he captured and rather slaved them or killed them. Sometimes they will make them stip naked and poor tear gas on them . And after they got killed they would carry their dead bodies in barrels.


kyle carter

Image result for weegeeOnly kyle knows when its weegee. In this game im playing on my phone i can play super mario world except i can play as luigi (Hints why its weegee time). Luigi in this game can do what he does in other great games like for example he can flutter jump, which is when luigi jumps and glides by swinging his legs rapidly. He also can glide while doing the spin jumps. This game also has different colored yoshi (The old game has this) i just unlocked a red yoshi. You still have a chance of getting a regular yoshi. But its always fun to be mama luigi for once. you can also be mario too. Its always fun to be original for once but luigi is boss. I also have never died (In the records....huehuehuehue) because im the best a mario).One of my favorite things to do is to act like a speedrunner and go through a level as quick as i can.

Year review

well this year didn't really stated as i expected, but   i 'm going forward and that all that matter  ,i did some good stuff like getting in the track team even if it not always fun but it help me to get faster and that what i really want ,i learn that if you want to accomplish something that you really want you have to sacrifice a lot ,and sometime you have to make some difficult choices. Image result for quote about sacrifice

I pick beautiful by Eminem

I thought it would be good for a project and it is i did great on it i couldn't think of anything else but how eminem wants to help people like him a to be free so yeah. I really like that sound it's good and makes me rethink about life and how it is. If you guys never heard about him go find him on Youtube because he is really good. I hope y'all have a great week and stay safe.  
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My skyrim life!

When I don't really do anything at home, I like to pop in one of of my video games. I mostly play a game about skyrim, which is one of the best fantasy rpg's there is. Basically, you were traveling when you get caught in a ambush that you have nothing to do with. you are mistaken for one  of their enemies and are sent for execution. After you get to the destination, Helgen, they do a role call of the people that are about to die. when you're called, the man will ask who you are and you create your character. My character is a breton, people who are both human and elf. They are really good at summoning and healing magic, although I only use summoning magic really. If you look at the picture above this I am the one in the golden green armor. I use nothing but staffs really, and the the one in black is my companion and he's a khajiit. They are the cat people, and they are not liked by a lot of people since the majority of them are thieves. My cat man has a shield that wards off all spells, a unique sword that does ice damage and paralyzes the enemy for two seconds, and a whole bunch of staffs that he uses for combat and to summon some help.
my review of my independent reading book is about football athletes working out.It gives different position on how to work out.It really help people if you are trying to be like them.It help you build your straight and agility on the football field when it hit game day.The have all the most popular NFL superstars in he book included the retired Peyton manning. They have the running back machine Adrian Peterson and the hall of Farmer brain erlacher.It really help if you just follow the instructions and you will learn in a short period of time.This book is really helpful for athletes.This book is good.Image result for football

How my year is going so far

My year is going okay so far because I am getting good grades and helping people out. I learned who I can and can't trust. I love to put a smile on other people's faces it makes me feel good about myself. I also learned that its okay to be different from other people because people will like you for who you are.   I also learned no one is perfect we all make mistakes we just have to fix them. I have lost many people in my life
and to this day I still think about them I want to make them proud and I know they just want me to live life to the fullest. That's how my year went so far.


song review

Well the song isn't a new song it of marilyn manson's 2003 album The Golden Age of Grotesque. Witch is my favorite album from him and its track 9 slutgarden. It is about leading a person on. I don't really agree with the message of the song but its a really good song and I can live with it. It gets stuck in my head really easy. It's my second favorite song on the album behind My favorite song by him in general The Golden Age of Grotesque. I will listen to that song like 5 times or more a day. I hadn't heard it tell i found my mom's old copy of the album and got to listen to the whole album. But this song is really good and i really like it.

Marilyn Manson - Slutgarden - YouTube
Image result for marilyn manson the golden age of grotesque

the blog1

i Really like to go traveling. What I really like to do is make friends it gives me the perfect chance to make new friends. Where I really like to travel to is somewhere warm or near the beach cause I love the ocean.
I don't really go out much I don't really know why It's just not something I do. I haven't been to that many places lately. I have only been to 3 places close to the ocean. Which is clearwater FL, Myrtle Beach SC, and Hawaii. I really liked going to Hawaii cause I was able to surf and I stayed there for about 2 weeks. I don't have to work when I travel that's the last reasons why i like to travel. Some times I go and buy things like crazy and I just love hotels Idk why tho.

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