Wednesday, March 29, 2017

what makes me a hero

What makes me a hero is fighting my battles everyday, wishing some pain can go away, caring for others not giving up on something that means everything to me.  making peoples day brighter and make them smile,helping them realize there is a reason  to live for, giving them a hand and a person who they can rely  on.  pushing my problems aside. what I can do to be a hero is right the wrongs and have faith in others but mostly importantly have faith in myself. Being a hero is more than just a tittle its a person who is caring,brave out going everything extroneratry. someone you can look up to. my hero is my mom because she fights everyday  to make sure we have everything we need to order to survive. she is my motivation my mom is sick she if she gets too much pressure she can die but she does it for us and i couldn't ask for a better  mom. when i was falling apart she started to fix the pieces and put it back together she is strong,brave,funny, amazing that's the reason why she is my hero.

Image result for girl hero

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