Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Well my little brother who wants to wrestle says he thinks i"m a hero when i come home and tell him about my matches or when he comes and see's me wrestle. I think when he starts wrestling if i help him that could make me more of one. I could teach him moves and help him get better and make sure he is winning like me so he can be more like me becauls he says he wants to be like me. So that is how i think i could make myself a hero and the other resson i don't wanna go into to much detal about but my friends have said i am becouls I have talked a lot of my friends out of killing themselves and got them to not even wanna die anymore. My mom would be a ordinary hero. She is a cancer nurse at the cancer center in urbana. She gives people hope and resses a 2 year old girl a 5 year old boy and me. My stepdad works a lot and so dose my dad so i don't see him as much as i used to. So becauls of her job and taking care of us she is one and another part is she shows hard work pays of. she dropped out of school and when she was 20 and had me she got her GED then became a regesterd nurse. Image result for nurse

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