Wednesday, March 1, 2017


  I will never forget the day of my 15th birthday. My birthday was on a sunday we were out of school and it was hot outside. My parents planned on taking me to virginia beach with my cousins and friends, nothing went right that day. We all woke up at 7 and left the house at 9. On the way to the beach we were already 1 hour away and my mom forgets the sunscreen and the towels ! therefore we had to stop at a shopping center and buy sunscreen and some towels. After we were on our way to the beach again and we hit traffic. We were in the car for about 1 hour and the worst thing is the ac stopped functioning in the car and it was 78 degrees outside, i was going to pass out. as soon as we got out of traffic we went somewhere to eat. We stopped at a McDonalds it was by a bridge we had to pass to get to virginia beach and it was the only bridge. When we finished eating we got back on the road and the bridge was closed there was police all over and we couldn't find another way to get to virginia beach, but My dad found another way to get there with his phone. We got to virginia beach around 7:30 pm we were all exhausted so we decided to get a motel. We stopped at about 8 different motels, they were all full and had no more rooms available. We drove 30 minutes away from the beach and found a motel, finally we all fell asleep at 9 pm. The next day we went to the beach and enjoyed the whole day. 

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