Friday, March 3, 2017

makes me do sht* that I don't like, see if I would forgive you!

there is those thing that people can do to us that we can forgive and forget it.
Example:if someone may insulting today and come tomorrow says sorry of course i will   
forgive and forget. there is those thing that you can forgive but not forget.
and that it not i really forgiveness because you forgive someone you don't have to think about what he or her did in the past. and Wiesel book it would be not that easy to forgive what the nazi's did to the prisoner. even those would forgive them but the won't forget what the do to them those there see there kids death. those see how the kill their parents and those did those bed job cause i didn't have choice.
But me I will forgive but won't forget what the did to me other people.
so that means they would get my 50% forgiven not 100% because 100% forgiven for me means forgive someone and forget what her or he did  but for the Nazi's i won't forget what they did. 
also like those Jewish  they can forget but not forget what they did to them or their people.Related image

1 comment:

  1. Kethia,interesting title. Very interesting ideas! 10/10
