Wednesday, March 8, 2017

My Bystander Story!

There have been many times where I should've acted, but I did not. These sort of situations have happened to me more commonly in my middle school years than any other, So I do have experience. So one time where did not act at all ( Possibly due to fear) was during This year! I know, it's surprising to see a guy such as myself be in conflict. Anyways, it was after school so I was walking home with my friends. We were having one of our usual conversations, when this random person I don't know just comes up and interrupts our conversation! I wanted to say something, but I was afraid that how I may say it may anger him. My friend did not know him either, so we were pretty sure he was trying to start some conflict of some sort. I didn't really care, as he left when we were crossing a street. We got to continue our conversation and even got to hang out! Yeah, it was very rude of that guy to do such a thing, but I ended up avoiding a choice that could've caused conflict. But I should've probably told him politely that we were talking so that he would've known and just gone away.

1 comment:

  1. Shawn, very interesting story. Just add a pic 9/10
