Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Image result for DC           HERO                                                                                                                                                        What makes me a hero is being nice to others help other people brighten people's day's  make society nice. One person can make another person want to help others.You can help others by maybe giving to the homeless , You also could give to charity .People in need for help you could see what they need help and help them.A example of being a hero is Social experiment Youtubers .Social experiment youtuber's test people on what they are going to do,One youtuber did a test to see what people would do.The Youtuber walked around dropping his wallet on purpose to see if someone would help.Majority of people picking up his wallet took it and left.One time the Youtuber decided to drop his wallet next to a dude with a metal leg . The guy with the metal leg picked up the wallet searching all over the place for the youtuber.The guy with the metal leg walked miles to find the youtubers house , the entire time the Youtuber was following him to see what he would do and he became a hero . The man with the metal leg went out of his way to deliver the dropped wallet back to the man with the metal leg.The man with the metal leg was rewarded 500 dollars for his heroic actions.That is what a hero is in today's society!

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