Thursday, March 16, 2017


My dad and my stepmom are getting ready to have another baby. She is only 8 weeks now I think. The first baby that they had was stillborn so once I heard that they were having another baby I almost cried because I both happy and sad at the same time. I was sad because I was afraid that this baby was not going to get a chance to come into this world and not be able to meet his or her family. But I am really excited and so is the rest of the family. My uncle asked my stepmom what would she want a boy or a girl and she said she didn't care what she has but then she said she would want a boy so she doesn't have to buy anything because as I said they had one before it was a boy but he was stillborn a lot of people bought stuff for him and that is why she said she wanted a boy. Honestly I want the baby to be a girl so I can have a little sister since I am the only girl but my brothers wants the baby to be a boy and my dad wants a boy too. When we found out that they were having a baby the first time me, my brothers, my dad, and my stepmom all got into a whole big argument about what the gender of the baby was it turned out that my dad and my brothers were right about her having a boy. Well really this time I just really hope that me and my stepmom are right about her having a baby girl. But overall I am really excited to see if it is a baby girl or a baby boy but most of all it doesn't matter what gender the baby is but the only thing that matters the most to me is that that this baby will actually be born.
Image result for pregnant womenImage result for newborn babiesImage result for cute light skin newborn babies Image result for cute light skin newborn babies with a basketball

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