Wednesday, March 8, 2017


There was a time in elementary school when there was a little hole that had around 5 bunnies and their mother. There were three boys that would always go to the hole at recess and mess with it. They would do stuff like shoving sticks in it or dropping rocks down it. I really wanted to stop them and defend the bunnies, but i just tried to ignore them. I told my teacher about what was happening, but he didn't do anything. I don't think he cared too much. When I told my mom she said that the bunnies mother was probably going to leave the bunnies because the boys touched them. That didn't made me feel pretty bad for the bunnies. That's when I stopped being a bystander though. I ended up pushing one of the boys and he got a cut from his elbow to his upper arm from a rock. I got in trouble for it, but they understood my reason, so not as badly as I should have. The mother ended up leaving in the end and the bunnies became class pets, so that was cool. That was one of the only times I remember being a bystander, I usually try to intervene if something wrong is happening.
Image result for cute bunny

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