Wednesday, March 15, 2017

favorite time of day

My favorite time of day is after school. After school is my favorite time of day because school is over. I don't have to do work. I don't have to learn or listen to any of the teachers and Im not bored. And after school I go play soccer or project athletes or weight training. I love to exercise, I see some of my friends and we have a good time while exercising. And then after exercising I go home and eat. I'm really tired so when it's time to go to sleep as soon as I hit my bed im literally knocked out. And to me that was perfect day with a really good sleep at the end, but what I hate is that the next day I wake up really sore.

1 comment:

  1. Erik, it's good that you keep up with your physical health after school. Just needs a picture. 9/10
