Wednesday, March 8, 2017

My Bystander stories.

Kyle carter or "Ace"
I have many stories where i was a bystander because i couldn't have done anything at the time. Ive witnessed alot of my friends get bullied time to time and people threaten to beat up by friends. Sometime if i see someone say something threatening to shawn i lose control if i know its a direct threat. But still i have moments now where i know i cant jump in and beat people up. There's this one time where it was one of those days everyone had it. Basically people were walking in the halls and someone broke into a fist fight. Basically we just kept moving and the idiots got dragged away and still no one cared. Although i could stop someone from bulling my friend (I honestly don't care if they bully me) Sometimes i really lose it and i get scared of that. Its like i say stuff i didn't even think of and sometimes i get in trouble for it. Image result for straight jacket

1 comment:

  1. Kyle, you are a good friend. It can be hard to make the right decision in those situations. 10/10
