Wednesday, March 1, 2017


I think that the reason why he wanted to name his book night was to symbolize the dark days that he lived when he was in the concentration camps.
 I also believe that the reason why its called night to show how they have suffered and how poorly they have been getting treated by the germans. My last reason why I think the book is called night is because of how many of the jewish people had a slow and painful death and the father of Wiesel dying and now his son doesn't care much about anything anymore.

I think I would name the Book the World Now Stands silent because all of the people just droping like flies and they have no way to defend themselves against the Germans. Also all of the people just doing what the Germans say and letting themselves just slowly die for no reason at all. My final reason is that no one in the world Tried to go and save the Jewish people from the concentration camps and the death of all of the Jews.

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