Wednesday, March 1, 2017

i think its good name for this book because its happening at night, but if its be my book i could thefrent because its so sad what happeinig the time what wtro peopel have to go ftro.
1) night because its happeing in night 
2)they was free in the night when its happet 
3)and his father die in night 
its the reason the book should name the night and its when the praying to God thats when he storting to stop bilefe in god 
1)because its almost happening in defrent country 
2)there peopel are spiking defronts lengvachov 
3)thefrent one belive in deffrent thinks 
i think they did right dishason to could this book night because its more siriosle everitinhg is happent at night when the oll lade said she see the smok in night the faier

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