Wednesday, March 8, 2017


one time i was walking to my bus stop because it was the end of the day and i was going through the hallway. there was a ball of people around these two girls and i was wondering what was it and there was two girls on the ground fighting each other. some people try to record them fighting each other and i didn't do anything. i just stayed there looking at them fight each other just like everyone else around. after like 3 minutes later a teacher came and started yelling to move out the way and then all of a sudden 6 to 7 teachers came and stopped the fight and moved everyone around. i was basically a bystander because i didn't do anything about and just looked at the fight just like the other 30 to 40 people around. i feel like someone did tell a teacher that there was a fight because the fight had a while that it started and no one showed up. if there was a person the told a teacher they are a good person because they did the right thing, while me and others decided to do the bad choice.

Image result for school fight

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