Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The time I was a bystander it was like my 7th grade year and I was walking in the hallway and i seen this kid that i never seen before and they were making fun of him. I felt really bad, because i did do anything about it and i was just standing there watching him just get picked on and being talked about like that really hurt. I felt his pain because i alway got talked bout and picked on because i was alway the bigger kid that was bigger then everyone else and they would make fun of me and say that i was fat and say just rude thing. So that day i felt his pain and u didnt do anythting bout it because i dint wanna get made fun and so i just kept walking. the day i got home from that i was really like i shoulde done something bout it cuz now i hat bullying like im that person if i see bullying happening im going to say something bout and out a stop to whatever it is happening

1 comment:

  1. Rico, very interesting story. Just needs a title and picture 8/10
