Thursday, March 30, 2017

I believe that I had been someone hero

first of all an hero for me is someone who's there when i'm on need, someone who win for me, who
sacrifice his or her life for me. like my lovely mom is my biggest hero, my number one lovely Baby friend is my hero, my Dad, my lovely aunt there all did something in my life that mark my life, help me etc....

About me now

One day I was in my friends Car, I saw someone that I know waiting for the bus and i was snowing i stop the car and give her a ride, so i was an hero for her.
I remember also one day me and my friends was doing something bad and the catch me but i didn't the name of all people who was with me.  I was a hero because if I said they name those won't be able to do what the ask me do. I was a hero for helping them.
I feel like an hero when i help someone on the need.
When i do something hurt to someone if she or he can't that make me an hero.
I feel like an hero when a sacrifice for someone get him or her what they want.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


kyle carter
 What makes you a hero is when you basically do something brave. Like how the americans came and helped the jewish people get back to their homes and attacked the germans, or how batman beats people up to save gotham. anyone really could be a hero to anyone, even satan could be someones hero.


a hero is when you save people or do something good that changes a big part on someones life. there are many things you can do to be a hero, like most people do is save a person from dying or help inisint people. also heros usally always get a lot of respect from people that believe what they are fighting for is right. also what a hero does usally is save people from there life problems when they really need them too. also many people see heros as people when capes or mask or costumes, but what a true hero is someone who doesn't give up and keeps tryng intell they win, or some of them end up dyng before the accomplish there goal, but they get remebered as heros because they gave there life for what they were fighting for.

what makes me a hero

What makes me a hero is fighting my battles everyday, wishing some pain can go away, caring for others not giving up on something that means everything to me.  making peoples day brighter and make them smile,helping them realize there is a reason  to live for, giving them a hand and a person who they can rely  on.  pushing my problems aside. what I can do to be a hero is right the wrongs and have faith in others but mostly importantly have faith in myself. Being a hero is more than just a tittle its a person who is caring,brave out going everything extroneratry. someone you can look up to. my hero is my mom because she fights everyday  to make sure we have everything we need to order to survive. she is my motivation my mom is sick she if she gets too much pressure she can die but she does it for us and i couldn't ask for a better  mom. when i was falling apart she started to fix the pieces and put it back together she is strong,brave,funny, amazing that's the reason why she is my hero.

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Image result for DC           HERO                                                                                                                                                        What makes me a hero is being nice to others help other people brighten people's day's  make society nice. One person can make another person want to help others.You can help others by maybe giving to the homeless , You also could give to charity .People in need for help you could see what they need help and help them.A example of being a hero is Social experiment Youtubers .Social experiment youtuber's test people on what they are going to do,One youtuber did a test to see what people would do.The Youtuber walked around dropping his wallet on purpose to see if someone would help.Majority of people picking up his wallet took it and left.One time the Youtuber decided to drop his wallet next to a dude with a metal leg . The guy with the metal leg picked up the wallet searching all over the place for the youtuber.The guy with the metal leg walked miles to find the youtubers house , the entire time the Youtuber was following him to see what he would do and he became a hero . The man with the metal leg went out of his way to deliver the dropped wallet back to the man with the metal leg.The man with the metal leg was rewarded 500 dollars for his heroic actions.That is what a hero is in today's society!

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A hero is selfless.Some people save life from a little thing.Some people change the history.Some people willing to own their life.Be a hero you can donate blood,maybe you can save a life.When you meet some people torture of animals,you can call blue cross to save animals.A ordinary hero i don´t know his name.When i was young,i have a travel with my sister and my aunt.We played single plank bridge.I drop in water,but i don´t know how to swim.The hero save me.

I'm not a hero i'm just a person that acts stupid

i'm not a hero i care about people and try to help them, i can't save anyone but i can make people laugh. I act like i'm stupid so other people could have a great day. i can't do anything the only thing i can do is help the best way i can do so it might not be the best but at least i try. My hero is my brother louis bc he help me when i got in to trouble. He was always care about others then himself at times.Like i said i'm not a hero i'm just a guy that wants to make everyone happy so peace can live and war can end.  Image result for one punch man quotes


Well my little brother who wants to wrestle says he thinks i"m a hero when i come home and tell him about my matches or when he comes and see's me wrestle. I think when he starts wrestling if i help him that could make me more of one. I could teach him moves and help him get better and make sure he is winning like me so he can be more like me becauls he says he wants to be like me. So that is how i think i could make myself a hero and the other resson i don't wanna go into to much detal about but my friends have said i am becouls I have talked a lot of my friends out of killing themselves and got them to not even wanna die anymore. My mom would be a ordinary hero. She is a cancer nurse at the cancer center in urbana. She gives people hope and resses a 2 year old girl a 5 year old boy and me. My stepdad works a lot and so dose my dad so i don't see him as much as i used to. So becauls of her job and taking care of us she is one and another part is she shows hard work pays of. she dropped out of school and when she was 20 and had me she got her GED then became a regesterd nurse. Image result for nurse



Image result for hero

I am not a hero I have seen so many people that where getting hurt and done nothing about it .
I would just walk right past and do nothing or I would just sit there and say nothing.
So I am not a hero.
Who I  think is a hero is the king because he fought for people and made a big thing in history.
What I could have done to be a hero is get out of my safe place and fight for someone who can't fight for themselves. 
A hero is rememberable.
A hero is brave.
A hero is selfless.
I am not a hero

im not a hero

Im not a hero to anyone. Im ordinary but im invisible if someone listened to me that wasn't like an adult. Id feel like a hero. There are some people who make me feel like a hero but I don't talk to them often.
What I try to do Is look for people who are sad or upset or angry I try my best to cheer them up any way I can and hopefully I can make them happy. I don't know anyone that is an ordinary hero sometimes I just feel alone in this world and everyone is against me at some times but when ever I say stuff like I hate my life and stuff thats really the only time adults notice me so mainly I have no hero. If I had anyone who seemed like a hero to me it would be my best friend he is like a brother to me.

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What makes me a hero

What I think makes me a hero is I'm honest,helpful,,I'm  a genuinely good person.I'd say my mom and Dad because they always make sure I have what I need.


Who do you know that's an ordinary hero? My brother is an ordinary hero. He does things for people out of the kindness of his heart. He does things without having to be asked. He loves doing things for people. He likes to say that he helps people out. He loves taking his daughter shopping or to get ice cream. He's an amazing person. He loves helping my mom out with arrines. He's a hero in my eyes!Image result for hero

what makes me a hero

What makes me a hero is helping someone that does need help with other things like health wise or money wise.What can i do to be a hero is give people what they need and give people what the same respect they give me.Because i am a hero personally and i do all those things to make me a hero in my opinion.Image result for hero

What Makes You A Hero?

What makes me a hero? I think being honest,truthful,brave and outgoing makes me a hero. I can give help to anybody who needs it advice,work,etc. I also can help people out like if they don't have a dollar for the bus id throw them one just because i can. My ordinary hero is my mom cause she doesn't need powers to do what she does. Help me my whole life and provide for me.