Wednesday, November 9, 2016

why did he win

       Image result for no trumpImage result for no trump
I Do Not Accept The Fact That Donald Trump Won The Election. He doesn't deserve the title of president of the United states. Donald trump is not a good candidate, He raped a 13 year old girl and is very racist our world is no longer in good hands. How come we couldn't let him be the president until he died....? How come Michelle didn't run for president? i will never accept trump as my president Barack Obama will forever be my president. I say this because neither Hillary or trump are good people, Trump a racist rapist our president or Hillary a liar as our president. I feel either way there is going to be war because nobody likes trump and that can start war as for Hillary she might lie and delete messages and create a war that was never caused for. I don't like living in this generation our world is slowly ending.

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