Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Reaction To Election

Image result for clinton

Image result for pictures talking bad about trumpImage result for Bad Pictures Of Donald Trump

First off who the f*** voted for that guy ? Talking bout " Making America Great Again " More like " Making America F***ed Up ". I woke up and all i saw down my Facebook Timeline was , " Im getting deported , or i'm packing up to get ready to get on this boat ". Like SHUT THE F*** UP. i feel like all the people who told me they was not voting for trump lied to me ... just so i wouldn't get mad. Clinton let me down . i stayed up all night to see if she was gone win. We Need Obama man. he's a life saver .  i almost cried when i watch this video of him Obama saying his farewell . I didn't even really care about presidents to be honest intell now... The world going to END !

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