Wednesday, November 2, 2016

100,00 and you cant spend it on urself

the first thing i would do is by my grandmother a house and pay it off. because that is my favorite person in the whole world. then i would buy both my dads a truck each because they both have been driving the same truck for more then 15 years. and they need new hings because they have always had my back threw everything and i love them. and i would buy my mom a navigator because that was the  ar me and her had so memories in and we used to spend a lot of time in then and i love her a lot and i be acting up and she deserves a lot better and the best that's possible and i would give the rest of the money to a charity. that supports war vetrens because they literaly fight for our country and they come back and they get all their money and stuff taken from them and that ids bad especially if there protecting out country.

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