Wednesday, November 2, 2016

If there is no television. What is life like? What is better? What is worse?

If there is no television life would be very dull and boring because every child knows that television is everything in life. There are some things that would make it better and that is that me and my brothers won't have to fight over the T.V. anymore and another thing is that I can have peace and be able to sit down and be able to do the things that I love to do without having my brothers or my grandpa or my family yelling every time when their team makes a touchdown or scores in a basketball game. There are some things that would make it worse and that is that I won´t be able to watch the shows that I want to watch or that I wont be able to sit down and play with my cards while I watch T.V. and I wont be able to watch Criminal Minds, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, or I wont be able to watch Disney Channel, or Dancing Dolls 4 Life (DD4L).
      This is what NO TELEVISION looks like

 This is how every child feels without Television 
Image result for no television

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