Wednesday, November 30, 2016

be yourself

                                                          by katia LM LM ket

                        I  wish to get a the opportunity to go to all the world and encourage people.
                                                   to tell them how important the are.
to encourage someone that has been ask a lot of question about how, what,why something happen to him or                                                                              her.
                                            to tell people that their are import not matter what.
I wish to go where people has been give up about what life shows them or what people says about to them.             and maybe about who their are or what their did go and tell them that their are important.
                                                I wish to see all my dream comes true.
                                               and to go to all country that I dream for.
                                              I to create something that can helps people.
                       I wish to see all my best people that that we been not seem anymore.
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