Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Around the World!!

If i got to go on a trip around the world but i could only bring three different people with me, it would be a hard choice. You wouldn't know if they would even be able to come with you, or if they wanted to. If i didn't have to worry about that though, I would definitely bring my friend Sam. He has always been a great friend to me through everything since i met him. I feel like he would make it a much better trip. I would probably bring my friend Dandi. She seems like she really needs some time away from here. The last person i would bring would be a friend that i have in london. He is a really cool guy that i've known for about seven years now. I would like a couple of days in each place that we stop. Probably more than a week in Australia and London. I've wanted to go to those places for a long time, so that would be a fun experience. It would be a great story, being able to travel the world when you aren't even out of highschool. Of course you would have to go to every continent. That's what I would do.

Image result for world

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