Wednesday, November 16, 2016

who motivates me

My mom motivates me every single day she is so strong she made me who I am today. My mom
teaches me how to love myself even tho everyone gave up on me she was always there by my side even
if I am right or even if I am wrong. The thing is my mom has Thyroid she is really sick and she is not even
supposed to be working but she does it for us to have a roof over our heads. My mom motivates me to  
get my education and reach my goal in life. Sadly my mom might have cancer we are still waiting for the results but that doesn't stop her for doing the things she loves and supporting us she is a fighter and I  couldn't ask for a better mom than her. My mom is the reason why I am still here and why I keep living my life to the fullest and not going to let anyone get in the way of it. That's who motivates me and i'm blessed to have her in my life.

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