Wednesday, November 30, 2016

What if there was....

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Image result for set it off

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Image result for menace II society     I wish there really was another sequel to a lot of movies the main one in particular would be Set It Off or Menace II Society. I wanna see what happens after they have told us plenty of times that there will be one coming soon but they never showed them. Another thing i wish there was would be unlimited food where ever and whenever we want because what if there was a homeless person dying and all he/she needed was one meal. Food can save lives, and you shouldn't have to pay for it. I really really wish I could transport my self where ever and when ever i want to because i wanna be able to go see my brothers and sisters w/o flying or driving. My very last wish is to bring back the people in my family hat has passed so that we could see each other one more time and tell everybody bye all together just to gain closure and peace. Life would be so much easier on a lot of people if these things could really occur that is why i really really wish these things could happen.

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