Wednesday, November 9, 2016

My thoughts on the election?

To really be honest, I'm not that surprised. I stopped watching b/c I just didn't really care anymore. Plus either way if Hillary had gotten elected, others would of probably just think the same thing as Donald Trump. Besides, I don't take sides just b/c when I do, the rivals start to get on my nerves. And I will not care about who is who until they start making actions that will impact our nation. For all we know, Donald Trump could do some crap that my actually help the people of america. But yeah I couldn't give two f**ks about it right now at least(excuse the language). I mean before the people on TV started announcing that the elections were near, everyone was saying that both Hillary and Donald would start a war if one of them became president. And if I'm right, Donald doesn't become the official president until sometime in January. I believe he's something called the "Presidential Elect" or something.

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