Wednesday, November 30, 2016

my reaction to the performance

 My reaction to the performance made me so confused because i really wasnt expecting for that to happen or for them to have that much emotion and i wasnt expecting for them to come in and do that but other than that i was surprised and shocked also and i liked it because i thought that it was good overall.
Image result for othello play
it was kinda good but not all that good.The preformance is good to show high schoolers and all but i think only university of illinois students want to see that not grown folks unless they really love poetry.But overall it was decent but not all good.

today's performance in class

i think it was nice of them to come and act out some sences for us and i liked it actually it was better than watching the movie. they were pretty good acters they performed well. and there was sometimes that i would think its funny because they argued but it was part of the play. i liked it for the most part and i think they should come back it was fun.  Image result for othello

Othello live


To me i think the performance was great because i like how they acted. Acting is a hard thing to do because for a lot of people because a lot of people are really bad at it or they dont remember their lines and they did a really good job at that bc everything was so fluent they where really good. They also did a really good job and kinda using signals with there hands just like acting and the scene they did was a dramatic seen so they did a really good at it.

we had a live play here in urbana high school

I enjoy the play alot it was fun and it made people get more fire up to do what they like to do more. I really feel like we should keep having them come and do plays for us. we all had our own openin but we all had fun with it. They made my day better just how they did the play made t more better then us. i wish they can come back and do it again. they are really great hope they have a good year. Have a good year peeps.

Image result for william shakespeare quotes
I thought it was pretty cool. I think they should come back. i think it would be a lot of fun. I really hope they come back it is a lot of fun. I would be really happy if they came back. They were really good so they should come back. It would make it a lot more fun in class. Pleas bring them back. Tell them we will pay them if we have to I mean we wont pay them but we can trick them if they don´t wanna come back at first. but they really should come back. So pleas bring them back.

my reaction

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                I'm not like so much to the performance because the most thing i can't do like them so i don't like it and they sing the song when they want to show something. but i like to watch it because it made me enjoy. it look cool and fun sometime it made me laugh.

Shakespeare performers

Image result for shakespeare performer

The performance was so amazing because they was doing it with emotion and passion 
it was really awesome they are giving everything they got to do, giving their energy,
Doing actions , and i feel it when they were doing those action
And i loved seeing them performing, it was pretty awesome
the performance

i think their performance was really  good because they make me think like i was watching a movie,they were emotional,funny ect...
i think they should come again because it was really good .Image result for wow

An amazing performance!

The performance of Othello that the collage students did was amazing! When they started, it took me by surprise! It was like I was actually in the theater watching it! I mean when you read something with FEELING and EMOTION, you can learn so much more. In my english class, some people read it with a low voice and sound like a robot. When people read like that it's kind of hard to answer some questions, especially when it's questions about how someone feels about a current something. But When read like the people did, it just helps me so much more. I wish I could read like that so I could make things easier for the other students around me. Also, today's event has inspired me very much, which may make it easier for me to make plots for my comics!

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If i had infinite burritos...

kyle carter

If i had infinite burritos i would eat them and maybe even share them. But these arent ordinary burritos... they are the best burritos in the world and taste like a million bucks. When you eat these burritos you will feel like your a hip teen agains and be able to do things you can never do. These burritos would cure cancer and diabetes so they are the healthiest thing since fruits and veggetable. What i would do is i would sell these burritos in a fast food truck to the hungry citizens off urbana and become famous for best burritos in the world and also for curing cancer! it would be great and delicious.Image result for burritosImage result for burritos

be yourself

                                                          by katia LM LM ket

                        I  wish to get a the opportunity to go to all the world and encourage people.
                                                   to tell them how important the are.
to encourage someone that has been ask a lot of question about how, what,why something happen to him or                                                                              her.
                                            to tell people that their are import not matter what.
I wish to go where people has been give up about what life shows them or what people says about to them.             and maybe about who their are or what their did go and tell them that their are important.
                                                I wish to see all my dream comes true.
                                               and to go to all country that I dream for.
                                              I to create something that can helps people.
                       I wish to see all my best people that that we been not seem anymore.
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I wish

I wish there really was recess in high school. I want a 40 minute recess, go outside get the balls out and you can play soccer, football, walk around the track whatever. Just a little break from class, lunch is really boring we are just sitting there and eating and it gets really boring. P.E is really short, we barely get to do something and it takes people too long to get dressed they just waste too much time.

Image result for soccer ball

i wish there really was...

Image result for mountain dew voltageI wish there really was unlimited mountain dew i would have unlimited pop all the time because that's my favorite pop to drink and i wish there was really unlimited hot fries and hot crunchy curls and hot cheetos and unlimited watermelon sour patches...those are my favorite things to eat. I wish there really was free stuff. The stuff that i like to eat. I feel like i could eat them all the time. I wish all of it was free. That would be great!!!!! I would get it all the time! I love all  of those things a lot. Everyone could enjoy it then. Just like i do.Image result for hot crunchy curlsImage result for hot fries