Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What would i put in a room to suit my needs ?????

             If i could remodel a room in my house to suit my needs i would put a mall & a comfortable movie theater in my house. I said a mall out of all things because I love shopping. That way i wouldn't have to leave home at all. There is food there and clothes and a lot of other stuff that I love to buy. It would be like i was living in wonderland I would never leave my house it would be perfect. Whenever my friends wanted to go shopping they would just come over and we can go from there. I said a movie theater because then whenever a new movie came out all i have to do is go to that one room in my house. I won't be wasting gas or money because its mines and i wouldn't have to leave home at all. Shopping and watching movies are my favorite thing to do. I could be eating , watching movies, shopping and sleeping whenever i felt the need to .  Living in that house would be a dream come true. That is what i would choose to put in the room that suits my needs.
Image result for comfy movie theaterImage result for mall

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