Wednesday, October 5, 2016

the most scares and why by kethia LM

i'm scary to fight why because I can fight. because i may fight with someone and after fighting the person got problem so this problem gonna turn on my back. so that is why i don't like fighting even someone insulting me. i prefer to no say anything for not causing the fight. by answering back when someone is insulting you,
the problems comes bigger than bigger than bigger and that what brings the fight.
so i'm scares to fight doesn't that i'm not that strong.
it means just i'm not like hard people.
also to be honest i'm scares to fight sometimes because i don't like people to hit me to or fight with someone that can won you. lol
and also i don't like see people fight.
because not fight not problem and not being scary. lol

Image result for fight girl

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