Friday, October 7, 2016

what am i gonna do this weekend ?

Simone Harmon
October 7th 2016
Wse lab

                       So today is Friday. I usually don't do anything on Fridays but today
I might go get my nails done and then go with my sisters to get our masks for this Halloween
party and maybe even go out to eat. Then on Saturday I'm going to my dad's friends house and we are going out of town to go paintball shooting with my dad his friends and their kids. on Sunday i might be back in town but i might not because I have a family dinner to go to in Chicago. I miss my family we haven't had a family get together since like the beginning of May. I remember  when my aunt had a Sunday dinner and I seen my cousin she ran and jumped on me . I don't think this one will be as happy though because we just lost a family member on Monday i didn't even know she was related to me but she was and that hurt me a lot. To know that she died on another family members birthday on the way to his celebration because he has also passed in the last 3 months. I didn't know that they were related but it still hurts to know that they were and i didn't get to know them the right way before they passed. They say that the good die young so LLKD && LLQD . (there is Devon i couldn't find D'nija

Image result for devon mcclyde     

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