Monday, October 24, 2016

football season

last friday was our last football game. man i was sad, it hurts seeing the senors leave and not have a good record.but best believe they were my brothers till the end. we fought so hard the whole season. we got knocked down but we helped each other back up and got ready to fight again. i miss all of them but there was so much that we could have changed for our season to end different.but yea it was our last game we fought so hard and hard and we were tied with 2 mins in the game and we got an interception and then we scored man that feeling felt so good that this year all im doing is grinding to get better cause i need that feeling next year. im a phean for that feeling again and if we work hard enough this off season we will get that feeling. and i know we will. but we wont be able to do it if coach watson leaves because we need him and he needs us so all we got to do is trust him and he will have us right. and thats a fact.
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