Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Its My Birthday Baby !

Image result for May 1stImage result for Birthday
Image result for May 1st
The date was May 1st , My 345th birthday . It would be my last. I'm still looking like a handsome young man tho ( like i always have ) but i feel that i'm dying inside . How did i live this long being my 345th birthday and still alive is a blessing i would love to thank god for keeping me in this world. This world changed a lot . flying cars, robot workers underground airports . And i got to live and see all it happen . My wife died like 200 years ago, and my kids didn't live to see 100. its kinda sad growing up lonely with nobody here but 3 dogs thats dead . Oh yeah i forgot bout them . Theirs toby , cornbread , and summer sausage. weird names right ? My wife picked them out . but as i walk around the beach every monday morning i see the li beauty girls out , look about 20 and up . They be checking me out , But if i told them my age they would of ran away . I remember this one chick she was like 32, but she was so beautiful , she looked about 19 , 20. but i got to spitting my g ( trying to flirt ) and she was digging me . i wanted to take her to my place but my dead dogs prolly would of scared her away and my collection of all my old stuff prolly would of freaked her out . so i asked could we go to her place instead . as we got in my 900 million dollar car , oh yeah forgot to mention i was rich , living for 345 years you would get paid a lot !. but anyways she gave me the direction to her house and as we get there i see she bought one of those new joints . it was the floating apartment she wass all the way on the 300th floor . i asked her " do you get scared coming up here " she said " No " so you know we get the walking to her apartment and as we walking people stop and stare and say while im walking " ohh she has a new man already ? aint this a every day thing ? " so i stop her before we get in the room . " Hold up baby girl i bet not walk into this apart and some big man laying down on yo couch asking you did u feed the kids " she says " what are you talking about you the only man i want stop being so weird " so we walked in .... Her house was beautiful . the she told me take a seat she will be back . i sat down cut on some TreTre Cartoons and i get the laughing because they had a lot of nice shows . she come back and sat on the couch with me and asked ..... "sooo i never got your age" . i stopped and said ...... "ummmm sooo how was your day ? "she looked at me funny . " ummm i asked a question sir ". whats 300 + 45 ? i asked . "  345 why ? " there you go . her eyes opened wide . " What the **** get the **** out my house right now im calling the ******* cops " i stopped her and said ... " ***** i was just playing calm the **** down im 34" she said . " boyyyyy i was bout to say " i told her i had to go feed my dogs and after that day i never came back to her house . i was soo tired of life i just decided to try to end it. but i forgot they made the world suicide free. the next morning ... I never woke up.  

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