Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Image result for haunted housesImage result for scary movies

What scares me the most is Like Scary Movies , Or haunted houses . like when things pop out of nowhere i get scared like so scared i might pee on myself. I hate unexpected things . i member i use to look on youtube about ghost and i be just sitting there watching it then out of nowhere somethings just pop up and like i scream like a little girl and man it was crazy . i been to one haunted house before.... and i will never go again . i would talk about it but psshhh i don't think i should talk about that . but i think actually i been to 2 haunted houses it was this upside down white house yeahh i will talk about this , so it was like a tour person telling us every where to go and it was like 6 different places one had rats running a round and all types of scary things . but at the last place it was supper dark..... and it was no noise . then next thing you know a noise came . we saw a light everybody walked towards it then next thing you know somebody yelled " the building is falling " and it had noise that really sound like it was falling so every went rushing at the door and i got ran over i fell and my knee got busted and i was bleeding a lot. but next thing you know u see me crawling out and everybody just started laughing at me and everything and i'm sitting there crying my mom and brothers was even laughing and i was mad for like a whole month believe it or not like i was pissed i didn't want to talk to anybody and that why i hate haunted houses bad things always happen and it be feeling so real like its really haunted and i cant take that kind of stuff . i'm low key scared of bugs to like they scare me cause they soo ugly and weird looking .

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