Thursday, September 22, 2016


when i was in 3rd grade i had the best year of my life because it was so much fun i got to eat chips everyday i never really got any homework and we barely didn't do any actual work. That was a time where i actually liked to go to school.
in 5th grade i started to not like school because i dont think that the teacher really liked me maybe its because i would get into alot of trouble. Well i could understand that because i had some anger problems back then i cursed and i almost got into a fight because i couldn't control my anger maybe it was because i became friends with someone who would get into trouble a lot idk.
i still dont like going to school im much more behaved then when i was in 5th grade its just that i get headaches and get stressed out alot now there is way to much work to focus now its just so hard running to classes. the school days are longer now i don't know but i know is that im missing practices because i have to catch up on work or i got to much homework and practice doesn't start till about 8.

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