Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Boys of Baraka Paragraph

So in class we've been watching this movie called "Boys of Baraka", which is a documentary about a group of kids from school who were picked to attend a school in Africa called Baraka School because they may not pass middle school. Anyways, at the end of the film Montrey, of the kids that attended the school says at the end of the film that he thinks people see kids from baltimore as someone who won't make it in life because they were born in the ghetto and since people think this that he was going to make a difference. So after watching this, one question always comes to mind and that question is well, why does Montrey think that people see Baltimore kids as people who will never make it in life? The answer to that is actually pretty simple if you watch the film. And that is because Montrey and the other group of kids who were on the documentary have real life experience of what it's like in baltimore. Montrey was born and raised in baltimore plus if you've watched Boys of Baraka, then you know that Montrey's statement is very true.

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