Wednesday, September 21, 2016

life just like a puzzle.

Image resultLIFE JUST LIKE A PUZZLEImage result for puzzle

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle:thousands of little uniquely shapedPiecesneeding to be connected to formthe whole picture.Piece by piecewe paninstakInglytryto fit them together.Some pieces don"t seem to belong,but they are all part the puzzle.Some pieces seem to be missing,but they are there,waiting to be found.Perseverance,Patience, Prayer,are needed to assemble the puzzle of our life.Only when we look to our CREATORwill we ever be complete?The One who made usknows us best.In the end. He will place the final piece
Vinie MT


  1. I love your idea here it really shows the emotion in the poem.
