Wednesday, September 21, 2016

perspective my shoes

My shoes have traveled miles of roads.
Their soles are worn quite thin
Struggling with this heavy load
I carry deep within
Beyond repair, no longer shine
Scuffed with many stains
It's mostly been an uphill climb.
Some sunny days, some rain

A little big when they were new.
With ample room to grow
This green stain here on my left shoe.
Was puberty's first blow
Those salt stains there, that's sweat and tears.
Still damp from being heartbroken
They've darkened some throughout the years.
Old wounds that were reopened

by Daniel Turner

I very like it because this poem show how the show felt for carry person who wear the shoe. On my perspective the shoe is important, shoes is carry us whatever we go. Even sun shine or rain the shoes still protect my foots. 

1 comment:

  1. You need to give credit to the author of this poem. If not, you are plagiarizing, which is illegal.
